Research on technology

Research area: Technology and Human Rights

The increased proliferation of technology gives rise to complex issues regarding human rights, in relation to both public and private actors, which demand in-depth research to fully comprehend and address.

The use of technology challenges human rights. Especially the right to privacy is under pressure, but rights such as freedom of expression and freedom of information are affected as well. Likewise for a number of other human rights. Moreover, it is an agenda which is developing rapidly. It is therefore crucial for the Institute to conduct research in this area.

The research in this area includes questions regarding surveillance, the use of big data and profiling, internet users´ human rights, the regulation of content on social media platforms, as well as Internet governance.

Research projects

How to define and to use – and potential conflicts – the notion “personal information” and “privacy” in a data-driven age.

Contact person: Rikke Frank Jørgensen

The human rights challenges in an age with internet giants and digital platforms.

Contact person: Rikke Frank Jørgensen

Survey conducted every ninth year since 1981 and has for the first time in 2017 included questions related to surveillance.

Contact person: Rikke Frank Jørgensen

The rationales behind right to privacy, data protection and freedom of expression and how they are reflected in EU legislation and case law.

Contact person: Anja Møller Pedersen

Research publications


Journal articles

Popular articles



Journal articles