
The Danish Institute for Human Rights

Wilders Plads 8K
1403 Copenhagen K

Our reception on the 1st floor is open weekdays 9am-15pm

Telephone: +45 3269 8888

CVR no: 34 48 14 90
EU VAT no: DK 39077973
EAN no: 5798000009370

Find us on: X - Linkedin


Find a total list of our staff here.


The Danish Institute for Human Rights can advise and assist if you feel you have been discriminated against due to your gender, race or ethnic origin.

Read more about counselling here.

Phone +45 3269 8666 Monday-Thursday between 12.00-15.00.


The library is a human rights library and offers both online resources and physical reference books, journals and more on international and European human rights policies. Read more about the library here.


We strive to make the pdf versions of our publications etc. accessible for screen readers. If you experience any problems, please contact Digital Editor Stine Juhl Nielsen on

Read more about digital and physical accessibility.


Find out who to contact here

Personal data policy

Find our personal data policy here