Research on security

Research area: Security
In particular the threats of terror have resulted in a number of political initiatives, which have had significant human rights implications.

The security issue gives rise to several complex questions, to which there is a need for the Danish Institute for Human Rights to contribute with research-based insights.

In Denmark, the authorities have been granted extended powers in the following domains: New criminal legislation has been passed, travel bans introduced, increased anti-radicalisation efforts in prisons implemented, municipality alert measures introduced, increased observation in schools and asylum centres, as well as surveillance, and an extension of the powers of PET – The Danish Security and Intelligence Service and FE – The Danish Defence Intelligence Service.

Similarly, the conditions in Danish prisons have been considerably tightened through legislative and administrative changes over the last few years in order to maintain order and discipline in prisons.

While the security agenda can be at odds with human rights, there is a rising awareness globally that respecting human rights can prevent terror and conflicts.

Research projects

The project looks into the reporting obligation in Danish schools as well as into the local government efforts against extremism.

Contact person: Peter Vedel Kessing

This project looks at state responsibility in joint military operations.

Contact person: Peter Vedel Kessing

The project analyses the use force and solitary confinement in Danish prisons and its human rights implications.

Contact person: Peter Vedel Kessing


Research publications



  • Faye Jacobsen, et al., Menneskerettigheder i modvind. Konflikter og dilemmaer i dansk politik og lovgivning, : Samfundslitteratur, 2023 (Peer-reviewed).


Journal articles

  • P. V. Kessing, 'Liability in Joint Military Operations - The Green Desert Case,', Journal of Conflict and Security Law, Oxford University Press, Vol 25, Issue 2, 2020, pp. 343–366 (Peer-reviewed).
  • Koch, P.B., 'Ministerens sandheds- og oplysningspligt: Status og nyere fortolkningsbidrag', Ugeskrift for Retsvæsen, 21, 2020, 125-137 (Peer-reviewed).
  • Thomsen, F.K., 'The Ethics of Police Body-Worn Cameras', Moral Philosophy and Politics, Ahead of print, 2020 (Peer-reviewed).

Popular articles

  • Ersbøll, E., 'Birthright citizenship and children born in a conflict zone', Blog, 5 February 2020 homepage and European Network on Statelessness, 2 2020.
  • Koch, P.B., 'Rettigheder er befolkningens våben over for en måske lidt for offensiv regering', Politiken, 17 October, 2 2020.
  • Koch, P.B., 'Styrk det juridiske bolværk mod magtmisbrug', Politiken, 31 maj 2020.


Journal articles

  • Kessing, P.V., 'Strafcelle – isolation af indsatte i danske fængsler', Juristen, nr. 2, 2019 (Peer-reviewed).
  • P.V. Kessing, L.G. Andersen, 'Preventing radicalisation in Danish prisons - Human rights and due process rights of prisoners', Prison Service Journal, No 241, 2019, pp 37-49 (Peer-reviewed).
  • Peter Vedel Kessing, 'Danmark dømt ved Den Europæiske Menneskerettighedsdomstol - En kommentar til Savran mod Danmark', EU-ret og Menneskeret, Nr 4, 2019, pp 3-12 (Peer-reviewed).