Research on sustainable development

Research area: Sustainable development
Human rights constitute part of the foundation of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, through amongst other aspects, concepts such as equal treatment and the rule of law.

The sustainable development agenda can contribute to the promotion of the implementation of human rights, just as human rights may risk getting caught up in a more general agenda towards achieving broader goals.

This is a complex area and therefore the Institute must possess in-depth knowledge of the relation between the Sustainable Development Goals and human rights protection. We must also have a profound understanding of the private sector as an actor operating in both the area of human rights and in sustainable development.

Research projects

The project will follow UN and other international debates linking global inequality, the SDGs and human rights.

Contact person: Steven L. B. Jensen

This research project explores how responsible business initiatives support the Sustainable Development Goals in developing countries.

Contact person: Claire M. O’Brien

Obstacles, dilemmas and potential synergies in the relationship between freedom of religion or belief, gender equality and the SDGs.

Contact person: Marie Juul Pedersen

How respect for human rights affects economic and sustainable development focusing on civil and political rights and on equal treatment rights.

Contact persons: Hans-Otto Sano, Sigrid Alexandra Koob, Stinne Skriver Jørgensen and Maja Meiland Hansen

This research project explores the drivers of, and barriers to, decent work in the global garment value chain.

Contact person: Kristoffer Marslev


Research publications


Popular articles




Book chapters

  • Methven O'Brien, C., 'Experimentalist Global Governance and the Case for a Framework Convention based on the UN Guiding Principles on Business on Human Rights' in Mullen, M., Navigating a New Era of Business and Human Rights: Challenges and Opportunities under the UNGPs, Nakhon Pathom: Article 30, 2019, forthcoming (Peer-reviewed) (forthcoming).
  • Methven O'Brien, C., & Martin-Ortega, O., 'Public Procurement and Human Rights: towards Legal and Policy Coherence in Pursuit of Sustainable Market Economies' in Cheltenham, Public Procurement and Human Rights: Opportunities, Risks and Dilemmas for the State as Buyer , : Edward Elgar, 2019 (Peer-reviewed).
  • Götzmann, N., 'State-Investor Contracts and Human Rights: Taking a Critical Look at Transparency and Participation' in I. Feichtner, M. Krajewski and R. Roesch (Eds.), Human Rights in Extractive Industries: Transparency, Participation, Resistance, : Springer, 2019, pp. 339-373 (Non-peer-reviewed).
  • O'Flaherty, M., & Methven O'Brien, C., 'Reform of the UN Human Rights Treaty Monitoring Bodies: A Critique of the Concept Paper on the High Commissioner's Proposal for a Unified Standing Treaty Body' in Pocar, F., International Human Rights Institutions and Enforcement, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2019, Chapter 27 (Peer-reviewed).