Research on children

Research area: Children
When human rights are violated in a country like Denmark, it is most frequently vulnerable children who are severely affected.

New cases of the serious abuse of children are still being uncovered, just as children are caught up in legislation aimed at their parents – e.g. asylum seekers or families who must survive at the lowest social income level.


Despite the authorities focusing on protecting children against abuse, and the existence of several civil society organisations working in the field, there is a need for the Institute to contribute with research-based and rights-oriented perspectives on the conditions of children’s lives and the very complex issues which can arise when children are caught between authorities and their parents.

Research projects

Survey of how local administrations and foster homes can support the child’s right to family life.

Contact person: Anette Faye Jacobsen

Research publications


Popular articles

  • Jacobsen, A.F., 'Vive-rapport kan misbruges politisk til at retfærdiggøre tvangsadoption', Altinget, Social, 31. maj 2022.


Journal articles

  • Faye Jacobsen, A., Leth Svendsen, I., 'Tvangsadoption og forældresamvær - ændret syn på børn og forældre', Tidsskriftet Uden for Nummer. Dansk Socialrådgiverforening, , 2021 (Peer-reviewed).
  • Faye Jacobsen, A., Hjaltason, P., 'Tvangsadoptioner - tendenser i europæisk og dansk praksis', EU- & Menneskeret, Nr. 2, juni, 2021 (Peer-reviewed).




Book chapters

  • Faye Jacobsen, A., 'Samarbejdet mellem forvaltning, forældre og anbringelsessted' in A. Faye Jacobsen og A-D. Hestbæk, Børns rettigheder - i socialfagligt og pædagogisk perspektiv, København: Akademisk Forlag, 2020, 237-252 (Non-peer-reviewed).
  • Faye Jacobsen, A., Adolphsen, C., 'Kontrol og tilsyn' in A. Faye Jacobsen og A-D. Hestbæk, Børns rettigheder - i socialfagligt og pædagogisk perspektiv, København: Akademisk Forlag, 2020, 269-282 (Non-peer-reviewed).

Journal articles

  • Faye Jacobsen, A., 'Principles and Politics in Compulsory Adoption Cases in the European Court of Human Rights. The Rights Balancing of Rights', European Yearbook on Human Rights 2020, , 2020, pp. 135-160 (Peer-reviewed).

Popular articles

  • Anette Faye Jacobsen, 'Den nye børnelov skal omfavne både børn og forældre', Altinget, Social, 3 december 2020.
  • Anette Faye Jacobsen, 'Seniorforsker: Løsningen er sjældent definitivt at hugge relationer over til de biologiske forældre', Debatindlæg, Politiken, 18 december 2020.