
The research department conducts independent research into human rights as they exist in Denmark and internationally.

Research plays a key role in all activities undertaken by the Danish Institute of Human Rights.

Our research efforts enable the Institute to contribute arguments substantiated by scientific findings to the public debate.

Our research also enable us to provide research-based consultation responses to the Danish Parliament within special areas; research-based education and training and research-based analyses for the Institute's practical work; and to conduct basic research within major human rights topics.

The staff of the research department represent a range of different professional disciplines that are mutually complementary in our investigation of human rights concerns. Our diversified research spans from research into human rights and digital rights to the children of prisoners.

A focal area is legal research into human rights instruments and their implications, and this is supplemented by broad-based social science research to investigate topics such as the ethos of human rights and its implementation in practice.

Research in the department addresses both domestic Danish and international affairs.