Research on equal treatment

The Danish Institute for Human Rights has an especially important role to play regarding equal treatment, where the Institute receives earmarked funds.

A research effort will represent an addition to the comprehensive analytical work which is already being carried out in the field of equal treatment by the Institute.

This provides the opportunity to conduct more in-depth investigations than would be allowed by analyses alone. Where analyses exclusively seek to cast light on very specific issues, research additionally provides the opportunity to explore overriding problems.

Research projects

The project examines the relationship between equal treatment and religion in relation to discrimination and restrictions on freedom of religion or belief on the basis of the principle of equal treatment.

Contact person: Eva Marie Lassen


Research publications


Journal articles

  • Miriam Bak-McKenna and Liv Henningsen, 'Cojoining the Witch and the Cyborg in Feminist Theory: Revisiting Gender Related Violence through Old and New Materialism', feminists@law, , 2024 (Peer-reviewed) (forthcoming).
  • Liv Henningsen, 'Prefiguring the Legal Subject of European Human Rights Law: From Universal Autonomy to Situated Affectivity', Nordic Journal on Law and Society, , 2024 (Peer-reviewed) (forthcoming).


  • Liv Henningsen, 'The Becoming of the Legal Phenomenon of Rape in Times of Transition: An Analysis of Danish Rape Cases as Affective Assemblages', EUROCRIM2024, , 2024 (Peer-reviewed).



  • Faye Jacobsen, et al., Menneskerettigheder i modvind. Konflikter og dilemmaer i dansk politik og lovgivning, : Samfundslitteratur, 2023 (Peer-reviewed).

Book chapters

  • Faye Jacobsen, A., Jensen, S.L.B., Koch, P.B., Petersen, M.J., 'Introduktion: Rettigheder i modvind' in Jacobsen, A.F., Jensen, S.L.B., Koch, P.B., Petersen, M.J., Menneskerettigheder i modvind - Konflikter og dilemmaer i dansk politik og lovgivning, : Samfundslitteratur, 2023, p. 9-16 (Peer-reviewed).
  • Lassen, E.M., 'Statsdiskrimination eller rummelighed? Lighed, køn og ægteskab i den danske folkekirke' in I A. Faye Jacobsen, S.L.B. Jensen, P. Boye Koch, M. Juul Petersen (red.), Menneskerettigheder i modvind. Konfliker og dilemmaer i dansk politik og lovgivning, Copenhagen: , 2023, 203-223 (Peer-reviewed).

Journal articles


  • Liv N. Henningsen, Abort i et menneskeretligt perspektiv, , 2023 (Non-peer-reviewed).


  • Henningsen, L. N., 'Truth Hurts: Stereotyping as a Human Rights Issue', PhD dissertation, , 2023 (Peer-reviewed).
  • Liv N. Henningsen, 'Remapping the Legal Subject of European Human Rights Law', Nordic Law and Gender Conference: Past-Present-Future, , 2023 (Peer-reviewed).