Rikke Frank Jørgensen

Senior Researcher, Research
PhD in Communication and ICT



Marya Akhtar og Rikke Frank Jørgensen, 'Institut for Menneskerettigheder kritiserer EU’s AI-udspil: Sæt borgeren i centrum', Altinget.dk, 15. Juni 2021.
Louise Holck og Rikke Frank Jørgensen, 'Ny strategi skal sætte grænser for digitaliseringen i det offentlige', Altinget.dk 4 . November, 2021.
Rikke F. Jørgensen, 'Policy brief: Beskyttelse af ytringsfriheden når sociale medier fjerner indhold', Institut for Menneskerettigheder, 2021.
Marya Akhtar, Frej Klem Thomsen, Rikke Frank Jørgensen, Pernille Boye Koch, Når algoritmer sagsbehandler, Institut for Menneskerettigheder, 2021 (Non-peer-reviewed).
Claire Methven O’Brien, Rikke Frank Jørgensen, Benn Finlay Hogan, Tech Giants and Human Rights: Investor Expectations, Danish Institute for Human Rights, 2021 (Non-peer-reviewed).


Rikke Frank Jørgensen, 'Researching Technology Elites: Lessons Learned from Data Collection at Google and Facebook' in Laura DeNardis, Nanette Levinson et al., Resarching Internet Governance, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2020 (Peer-reviewed).
Jørgensen, Rikke Frank and Lumi Zuleta, 'Private Governance of Freedom of Expression on Social Media Platforms', Nordicom Review, 41(1), 2020, 51-67 (Peer-reviewed).
Rikke Frank Jørgensen and Marya Akhtar, 'Digitale Strategier overser borgerens rettigheder', Altinget.dk, 8 december 2020.
Rikke Frank Jørgensen og Marya Akhtar, 'Fakta: Kontaktsporingsapps og menneskeretten', Institut for Menneskerettigheder, 2020.
Jørgensen, R. F., 'Perspektiv: Grænser for data', Prosa.dk, 13 Marts 2020.
Rikke F. Jørgensen og Lumi Zuleta, 'Politiforlig og nye EU-regler vil løfte sikkerheden på sociale medier', Altinget.dk, 21 December 2020.
Rikke Frank Jørgensen, 'Tech-ambassadøren skal kæmpe for regulering af tech-giganternes magt', Altinget.dk, 7. oktober 2020.
Rikke F. Jørgensen og Marya Akhtar, 'Techgiganter og ytringsfrihed', Prosa.dk, 5. august 2020.
Marya Akhtar og Rikke Frank Jørgensen, 'Vidtgående overvågning risikerer at blive normalt', Jyllandsposten, 19 April 2020.
Rikke F. Jørgensen og Marya Akhtar, Tech giants, freedom of expression and privacy, Danish Institute for Human Rights, 2020 (Non-peer-reviewed).
Rikke Frank Jørgensen og Marya Akhtar, Tech-giganterne, ytringsfriheden og privatlivet, Institut for menneskerettigheder, 2020 (Non-peer-reviewed).


Jørgensen, R.F., Human Rights in the Age of Platforms, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2019 (Peer-reviewed).
Jørgensen, R.F., 'Danskernes syn på overvågning' in Morten Frederiksen, Usikker Modernitet, Copenhagen: Hans Reitzels Forlag, 2019, 143-180 (Peer-reviewed).
Jørgensen, R.F., C.B. Veiberg and N. t. Oever, 'Exploring the role of HRIA in the information and communication technology (ICT) sector ' in Nora Götzmann, Handbook on Human Rights Impact Assesment, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2019 (Peer-reviewed).
Jørgensen, R.F., 'Introduction' in Jørgensen, R.F., Human Rights in the Age of Platforms, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2019, 17-46 (Peer-reviewed).
Jørgensen, R.F., 'Rights Talk: In the Kingdom of Online Giants' in Jørgensen, R.F., Human Rights in the Age of Platforms, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2019, 163-187 (Peer-reviewed).
Jørgensen, R.F. , 'When private actors govern human rights' in Wagner, Ben; Mattias C. Kettemann and Kilian Vieth, Human Rights and Digital Technology, Cheltemham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2019, 346-363 (Peer-reviewed).
Rikke Frank Jørgensen, 'Council of Europe human rights standards on technology', Fact sheet: Danish institute for human rights, 2019.
Rikke Frank Jørgensen, 'Hvad siger Europarådet om teknologi og menneskerettigheder', Fakta: Institut for menneskerettigheder, 2019.
Rikke Frank Jørgensen, 'Hvad siger FN om teknologi og menneskerettigheder', Fakta: Institut for menneskerettigheder, 2019.
Marya Akhtar og Rikke Frank Jørgensen, 'Når digitale platforme skal begrænse ytringsfriheden', Fakta: Institut for menneskerettigheder, 2019.
Rikke Frank Jørgensen, 'UN: Human rights apply online as offline', Fact sheet: Danish institute for human rights, 2019.


Jørgensen, R.F. og Kofod Olsen, B., Eksponeret - Grænser for privatliv i en digital tid, Copenhagen: Gads Forlag, 2018 (Non-peer-reviewed).

Key competencies

Human rights and internet, privacy, surveillance, freedom of expression, social media, civil society


My research focuses on the intersection between technology and human rights. I have worked on “The digital welfare state – the case of Denmark” (ICS, 2021) “Human rights in the age of platforms” (MIT Press 2019); how citizens are exposed and privacy challenged in a Danish / European context (“Eksponeret”, Gads Forlag 2018); the way specific technology discourses inform regulation (“Framing the Net”, Edward Elgar 2013); and on “Human rights in the global information society” (MIT Press, 2006). I am particularly interested in issues related to agency, power and digitalisation, the commercialized public sphere, and technology discourses and regulation.

Selected research related activities

  • Danish Data Ethics Council – appointed member (2023 -)
  • Danish Board of Technology – member of the supervisory board (2023-)
  • Associate part-time lecturer in privacy and information ethics at Copenhagen University, department of Communication (2017-2022)
  • Member of Cph Tech Policy Committee – led by Rebecca Adler, Copenhagen University
  • Member of the Danish Governments expert group on Tech-giants (2022- )
  • Member of Djøfs TechDK Commission (2021-2022)
  • Member of the Academic Advisory Board for the “AI REUSE” research project, led by Louise Amoore, Durham University, Mikkel Flyverbom & Nanna Bonde Tylstrup, CBS (2019-2022)
  • Member of the Advisory Board for D-mærket, a Danish certification model for IT security and data ethics. Dansk Industri, Forbrugerrådet TÆNK m.fl. (2020 - )
  • Co-founder of Internet&Society, interdisciplinary research network anchored at Copenhagen University (2017-)
  • Member of the Scientific Advisory Board for “The Peoples´ Internet” (PIN, 2016-20) – led by Klaus Bruhn Jensen, Copenhagen University
  • Expert Member of Council of Europe´s Committee on Rights of Internet Users (2012-2014)
  • Member of the Advisory Board for DataEthics – a politically independent ThinkDoTank based in Denmark with a European (and global) outreach (2018-)
  • Member of the Advisory Board for Ranking Digital Rights (Washington DC) – international project that monitor internet companies´ human rights performance (2018-2020)
  • Board member of European Digital Rights (2004-2008). Currently EDRI observer.

Selected podcasts

Please note most of them are in Danish.


Selected projects

  • The project examines the “digital welfare state” from a citizen and rights-based perspective.
  • The research project investigates the implementation of automated decision making in the welfare sector across eight European countries. Funded by CHANSE.
  • The research project investigates the role privacy plays in an algorithmic society, including case studies of the Danish school platform AULA, as well as the interrelation between personal information and privacy. Funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark.
  • The project is related to the Danish Value Survey (Værdiundersøgelsen). The project analyses how Danes perceive surveillance based on the survey data.
  • The research project explores perceptions, practices and governance mechanisms related to human rights within internet platforms such as Google and Facebook. Funded by the Danish Independent Research Council (Sapere Aude).
  • The research project explores the role and contribution of “human rights” in selected EU policies. Funded under the EU’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7)..
Portrait photo of Rikke Frank Jørgensen 2021
Portrait photo in black/white of Rikke Frank Jørgensen 2021

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