Research publications


Popular articles




  • Petersen, A. F., Stigmatisering af psykisk sygdom: sundhedsret, menneskeret og samfundsøkonomi, : Ex Tuto, 2021 (Non-peer-reviewed).
  • Lagoutte, S., Lorion, S., Jensen, S. L. B., The Domestic Institutionalisation of Human Rights, Oxon/New York: Routledge, 2021 (Peer-reviewed).
  • Faye Jacobsen, A., Ulige rettigheder, Aarhus: Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 2021 (Peer-reviewed).

Book chapters

  • McInerney-Lankford, S. & Sano, H., 'Human Rights indicators in development: definitions, relevance and current trends' in Stephen P. Marks and Balakrishnan Rajagopal, Critical Issues in Human Rights and Development, : Edgar Elgar, 2021, 368-395 (Peer-reviewed).
  • Ersbøll, E, 'The Danish Turn Towards Dual Citizenship' in Bauböck, R. and Haller, M., Dual Citizenship and Naturalisation, Vienna: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2021, 157-182 (Peer-reviewed).
  • Petersen, Marie Juul, 'The international promotion of freedom of religion or belief. Key debates and divides' in Jeffrey Haynes, Handbook on Religion and International Relations, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2021 (Peer-reviewed).
  • Jensen, S. L. B., ''Human Rights Against Human Arbitrariness': Pandemics in a Human Rights Historical Perspective' in Morten Kjærum, Martha F. Davis and Amanda Lyons, Covid-19 and Human Rights, New York, NY: Routledge, 2021, pp. 3-18 (Peer-reviewed).
  • Sano, H., 'Human Rights and Poverty Reduction. What are the Linkages?’ ' in Martha F. Davis, Morten Kjaerum and Amanda Lyons, Research Handbook on Human Rights and Poverty. London, Edward Elgar, 2021. (peer reviewed)., London: Edward Elgar, 2021, 88-105 (Peer-reviewed).
  • Tan, N.F., Gammeltoft-Hansen, T., 'Extraterritorial Migration Control and Deterrence' in Cathryn Costello, Michelle Foster and Jane McAdam, Oxford Handbook of International Refugee Law , Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021 (Peer-reviewed).

Journal articles

  • Smit, L., Holly, G., McCorquodale, R., Neely, S., 'Human Rights Due Diligence in Global Supply Chains: Evidence of Corporate Practices to Inform a Legal Standard', International Journal of Human Rights, 25(6), 2021, 945-973 (Peer-reviewed).
  • Herrmann, J. R. & Petersen, A. F., 'Barriers to Abortion in the Autonomy-Based Danish Legal Model', European Journal of Health Law, Vo. 28, 2021, pp. 1-16 (Peer-reviewed).
  • Petersen, A. F. & Herrmann, J. R., 'Abortsamrådenes hemmelige liv: Praksisanalyse af en Black Box forvaltning', Ugeskrift for Retsvæsen, U2021B.190, 2021, s. 190-201 (Peer-reviewed).
  • Petersen, A. F., 'Sundhedsretlig understøttelse af health literacy hos psykiatriske patienter – Den oversete sundhedsdeterminant', Nordisk socialrättslig tidskrift , Vol. 27-28, 2021, p. 179-209 (Peer-reviewed).
  • Jørgensen, S. S., Hansen, M. M., Sørensen, A. E., 'Half a century of female wage disadvantage: an analysis of Denmark’s public wage hierarchy in 1969 and today', Scandinavian Economic History Review , Volume 70, 2022, Issue 2: Special Issue: Gender in economic history , 2021, pp.195-215 (Peer-reviewed).
  • Henningsen, L. N., 'An ‘Other’ Perspective on Law: Deconstructive Jurisprudence with a Feminist Twist', Retfærd, 44, 2021, 11-38 (Peer-reviewed).
  • Götzmann, N. and N. Bainton, 'Embedding Gender-Responsive Approaches in Impact Assessment and Management', Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, 39(9), 2021, 171-182 (Peer-reviewed).
  • O'Brien, C.M., Ferguson, J. & McVey, M., 'National Action Plans on Business and Human Rights: an Experimentalist Governance Analysis', Human Rights Review, , 2021 (Peer-reviewed).