Updated Serbian Country Guide

The updated Human Rights and Business Country Guide to Serbia focusses on the changing legislative framework and the challenges it poses.

The Danish Institute for Human Rights (DIHR) have together with our partner the Belgrade Centre for Human Rights (BCHR) produced an updated version of the Serbia Country Guide.

Serbian legislative and policy framework has been rapidly changing, as the European integration process is moving forward. The updated Guide reflects on these changes as well as very current topics around privacy, unionisation and the privatisation of public enterprises, and contains more cases and recommendations to include in their due diligence.

Our partners at BCHR have been hugely involved in the making of this Country Guide, and they are very proactive in ensuring that the findings of this guide translate into real follow-up actions in order to improve human rights compliance by businesses in Serbia.
Dirk Hoffmann, Adviser, DIHR

The Country Guide is a compilation of publicly available information from international institutions, local NGOs, governmental agencies, businesses, media and universities, among others. International and domestic sources are identified on the basis of their expertise and relevance to the Serbian context, as well as their timeliness and impartiality.

The Country Guide aims to provide a comprehensive overview, on the basis of the information available, of the ways in which companies do or may impact human rights in Serbia. The current Country Guide is not a final determination of the Serbian conditions. It is the basis, and the beginning, of a process of dissemination, uptake and modification.

Aiming at a National Action Plan

The Country Guide is part of an on-going effort by BCHR to conduct a comprehensive National Baseline Assessment on Human Rights and Business, which could form the basis for a government-led National Action Plan on Human Rights and Business. The Baseline assessment, based on the Danish Institute and ICAR’s National Action Plan Toolkit, will be published in the second half of 2016.