Human rights and business country guide Belarus

Human rights and business country guide Belarus

The Danish Institute for Human Rights and the Belarusian Helsinki Committee, created an easy to use guide on the human rights situation in Belarus.

The guide aims to provide a comprehensive overview, on the basis of the information available, of the ways in which companies do or may impact human rights in Belarus. For companies, the Country Guide is a tool to understand and address human rights risks and opportunities in the countries where they do business.

The human rights and business country guide project

The country guide provides country-specific guidance to help companies respect human rights and raise awareness of human rights issues.

As part of this process, DIHR and the local partner produced a publicly available report, the human rights and business country guide, that provides an overview of business impacts on human rights. From there, DIHR supported the partner in building a coalition of actors who share our vision of a world free from corporate human rights abuses.

Read more about the project

The current country guide is not meant as an end product, or a final determination of country conditions. It is intended to be the basis, and the beginning, of a process of dissemination, uptake and modification.

The country guide is a compilation of publicly available information from international institutions, local NGOs, governmental agencies, businesses, media and universities, among others. International and domestic sources are identified on the basis of their expertise and relevance to the Belarusian context, as well as their timeliness and impartiality.

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