Child protection - The implementation of the ‘Anti-Abuse Package’ in municipalities

Child protection - the implementation of the ‘Anti-Abuse Package’ in municipalities

One of two parallel publications analysing aspects of municipal protection schemes and measures to prevent and handle cases of child abuse.

This report focuses on the implementation of the legislative reform, called the ‘Anti-Abuse Package’ (in Danish ‘Overgrebspakken’), which came into effect in 2013. The reform entailed very specific obligations such as a 24-hour window within which the municipal administration must decide on the action to be taken in response to any incoming reports on children. Parallel to the new regulation, reporting on children at risk has multiplied during the last 3-5 years, doubling in many municipalities while others have seen an increase of three times or more.

The purpose of the report is to assess both the advantages and challenges of specific legal requirements establishing the clear rights of children to social protection – first and foremost, in this context, the right to have their case evaluated within 24 hours. Such a rights based approach is in line with recommendations from the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child.

The report is in Danish but contains an English summary on page 15.

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