How can we address business and human rights issues in Europe?

How can we address business and human rights issues in Europe? New handbook for legal practitioners
A new handbook from the Council of Europe authored by Claire Methven O’Brien from the Institute provides important information for legal practitioners in the field of business and human rights.

Businesses contribute positively towards the realisation of human rights in diverse ways. Companies provide opportunities for employment and skills development, for example, which can help fulfil the right to work for fair remuneration and achieve a decent standard of living. However, businesses can also impact on human rights adversely, for instance, where they rely on forced or trafficked labour, discriminate against workers on unlawful grounds, interfere with the privacy of those using their services or where their activities produce environmental contaminants that are damaging to health.

Introduction to regional and international standards

The new handbook provides an introduction to the regional and international standards and mechanisms relevant to addressing business and human rights issues in Europe.

It is intended to serve as a resource for legal practitioners, and others, across government, business, civil society, the media and in independent bodies, such as ombudsmen and national human rights institutions.
Given this broad audience, it does not assume extensive prior knowledge of business and human rights as a specific field within human rights law. Neither, given the breadth of its subject-matter does it purport to provide a comprehensive analysis of any topic contemplated or legal advice.
While the handbook’s primary focus is on Council of Europe instruments applicable across all the organisation’s 47 member states, where pertinent it draws also on materials concerning international and other European regional standards, for instance, those of the European Union (EU).