Arab Master on human rights launched in Beirut

A new Arab Masters Programme on Democracy and Human Rights is inaugurated today. The institute supports the programme.

Rights amid turmoil sets the agenda of the launch today of the Arab Master in Democracy and Human Rights in Beirut, Lebanon. The aim of the programme is to support the next generation of experts, academics and practitioners and to give them the practical experience needed for building up their professional career and academic activities.

“It is a unique programme designed to meet the needs of students, professionals and experts who want to deepen their knowledge and develop their skills in the field of democratic governance and human rights in the Middle East and North Africa,” says Karina Pultz, Middle East & North Africa Programme at the Danish Institute for Human Rights.

A space to exchange knowledge and views

The programme has previously been known as the Master in Democratic Governance, Human Rights and Democracy in the Middle East and North Africa region. The programme has now moved from Venice to Beirut.

“We are looking forward to the fourth year of this Arab Master. It is a space for academics and youth to exchange knowledge and views of democracy and human rights. New generations of youths need to know about and make informed choices in terms of democracy and human rights – especially in times of turmoil,” says Karina Pultz.

Many universities involved

Saint Joseph University in Lebanon hosts the Arab Master, which offers a multi-disciplinary curriculum. The programme also involves the International University of Rabat in Morocco, Birzeit University in Palestine, University of Carthage in Tunisia, the European Inter-University Centre (EIUC) and a growing network of universities.

The Danish Institute for Human Rights provides lecturers and it supports the Arab Master through scholarships. The Arab Master is part of the Global Campus of Regional Masters in Human Rights and Democracy supported by the European Union.