Human rights are on the 2030 agenda

SDG wheel
The institute discusses the links between human rights and sustainable development with a broad range of stakeholders at political forum in New York.

Government delegates, civil society representatives and UN officials are filling up the corridors and conference rooms at the UN headquarters in New York these days. It is the time of year when the international community comes together to review the process towards 2030, and the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, at theannual High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development.

Discussing experiences

Together with ten partners, the Danish Institute for Human Rights are hosting a learning, training and practice session at the UN Headquarters on Friday afternoon.

“Sustainable development and human rights are interlinked. One cannot be achieved without the other. Therefore, we have gathered a broad range of stakeholders to discuss what experiences we can build on, what we should focus on and how to do it,” chief adviser Birgitte Feiring explains.

Materials available

During the session, participants will meet resource persons from governments, the UN system, indigenous peoples, civil society, national human rights institutions and businesses.

Panellists and participants will discuss knowledge gaps and good practices for a human rights-based approach to development, identify the key human rights standards embedded in the goals under review and explore how follow-up and review processes and adequate monitoring data can contribute to realising both human rights and the SDGs.

Materials presented by the institute at the session are available on this page.

To watch the event live, go to Indigenous Peoples Major Group's Facebook page Friday 14 July from 3pm to 6pm EST.