Call for applications: Arab Master in Democracy and Human Rights

The Arab Master in Democracy and Human Rights (ARMA)
The Arab Master in Democracy and Human Rights (AR.MA) announces the opening of its registration until 31 March 2017.

Previously known as the Master in Democratic Governance, Human Rights and Democracy in the Middle East and North Africa region (DE.MA), this programme recently moved from Venice to Beirut, where St. Joseph University hosts it.

We have supported this programme since its’ inception and look forward to continuing collaboration that through education builds the competencies of youth in democracy and human rights.
Annali Kristiansen, Chief Adviser, Middle East & North Africa, DIHR.

AR.MA is a multidisciplinary curriculum offered by leading experts in the field and a consortium of universities including St Joseph University (Beirut, Lebanon), the International University of Rabat (Rabat, Morocco), Birzeit University (Birzeit, Palestine), University of Carthage (Tunis, Tunisia), the European Inter-University Centre (EIUC), and a growing network of partner Universities in the Region, supported by the European Union and the Danish Institute for Human Rights.

The Danish Institute for Human Rights (DIHR) provides lecturers and it supports the programme with the European Union.

Apply here

DIHR’s work with the AR.MA is supported by the Danish-Arab Partnership Programme.