New Country Guide on Human Rights and Business in Kenya

The Danish Institute for Human Rights and the Kenya Human Rights Commission have released a new country guide.

The Country Guide is a compilation of publicly available information from international institutions, local NGOs, governmental agencies, businesses, media and universities, among others.

The survey was originally carried out by The Danish Institute for Human Rights (DIHR) in early 2016 and received strategic input from Kenya Human Rights Commission (KHRC) along the way. It aims to provide a comprehensive overview, on the basis of the information available, of the ways in which companies do or may impact human rights in Kenya. The current Country Guide is not meant as an end product, or a final determination of country conditions. It is intended to be the basis, and the beginning, of a process of dissemination, uptake and modification.

In the second half of 2016, this Country Guide will be transformed into an Impact Baseline to the National Baseline Assessment on Business and Human Rights (NAP), currently conducted by KHRC. As such, it will be an official deliverable to the Kenya Department of Justice, which is the implementer behind Kenya’s commitment to produce a National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights. Kenya’s NAP is on track to become the first National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights in Africa.

On the road to the NAP, this Country Guide/Impact Baseline will inform a variety of local stakeholder consultations, which will produce recommendations to the government of Kenya regarding key areas of focus for the NAP. More information on Kenya’s National Action Plan process, which is supported by DIHR, can be found here.

Funding partner: Swedish International Development Corporation Agency (SIDA).