Mapping survey of African NHRIs in Business and Human Rights

The Danish Institute for Human Rights (DIHR) has been awarded a tender to undertake a mapping survey of African National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) on business and human rights by the Network of African National Human Rights Institutions (NANHRI).

The mapping survey is a key follow-up action called for in NANHRI’s Regional Action Plan on Business and Human Rights, concluded in Yaoundé, Cameroon in September 2011. The Yaoundé Declaration adopted by NANHRI members commits African NHRIs to priority initiatives on business and human rights.  As one of these, the baseline study being conducted by DIHR  will provide an overview of existing actions, needs, issues and challenges facing African NHRIs in the business and human rights area – and a sound basis for strategic future actions by NANHRI members.

The  study will be  based on a survey questionnaire, interviews with African NHRIs and a set of in-depth case studies focusing on key business and human rights interventions by African NHRIs.  The study’s conclusions will highlight NHRIs’ needs, capacities and with reference to the three pillars of the UN protect-respect-remedy framework and also with regard to the three thematic areas of labour, environment- and land-related human rights.  DIHR will also develop a Training Manual for NHRIs in the African region as part of the project.

Read the TOR for the NANHRI mapping study here.

Read the Yaoundé declaration here.

 For further information, contact Claire Methven O’Brien, Senior Adviser (cob [at], Thorbjørn Lundsgaard (thlu[at] or, en francais, Lea Brecht (lebr[at]