Cover of the booklet

Data for human rights and sustainable development

This booklet illustrates how the Danish Institute for Human Rights works with data to advance human rights and sustainable development.

At the Danish Institute for Human Rights, we collect and use data both to inform our work and to draw attention to human rights issues in relation to specific population groups. We have, for example, developed an algorithm which classifies text according to the Sustainable Development Goals and to human rights categories, to facilitate our datamining and analysis.

We strive to facilitate data collection for communities and national human rights institutions in other countries in a manner which promotes, respects and complies with international human rights standards. 

For that, we partner with concerned stakeholders to develop data collection tools and guidance on issues such as indigenous peoples’ rights, the rights of persons with disabilities, land rights, and fundamental rights and freedoms. 

Not least, we support state and non-state actors to harness the power of data in decision-making to improve access to adequate services and contribute to the realisation of people’s rights, including in sustainable development processes.

This booklet illustrates some of our work with data, and you are invited to dive into it with us.

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