
Human rights diplomacy: Navigating an era of polarization

20 June 2023
The Danish Institute for Human Rights, meeting room Nordskov, Wilders Plads 8K, 1403, Copenhagen K
Un Human Rights Council
The Danish Institute for Human Rights and The Danish Foreign Policy Society invites you to a research and policy seminar on the state of human rights diplomacy today with the London-based foreign policy think tank Chatham House.

We are pleased to host a delegation from the London-based foreign policy think tank Chatham House. Chatham House has recently published a well-researched new report: Human Rights Diplomacy. Navigating an Era of Polarization which is more than a little timely.

The report addresses the past, present and future of human rights diplomacy and is based on an extensive number of interviews with UN diplomats, human rights experts, UN staff and NGO representatives as well as extensive use of relevant research literature.

The report notes that the human rights system has long struggled to deliver accountability but that new leadership and ideas for human rights are emerging – particularly from countries in the Global South. This is despite of increased US-China polarization and increased attempts by the latter to influence UN processes and change the meaning of international human rights. The new Chatham house report aims to provide diplomats and human rights practitioners with an overview of significant current trends and challenges in human rights diplomacy, and to make recommendations on how to strengthen the efficacy of the multilateral system for the protection and fulfilment of human rights.

The report offers a stimulating synthesis and thoughtful and thought-provoking recommendations. We believe the Chatham House report deserves presentation and debate among the Danish-based human rights and foreign policy community – hence the purpose of our public seminar.


  • 16:00-16:05: Welcome by Mette Thygesen, International Director, The Danish Institute for Human Rights
  • 16:05:16:30: Presentation by Rashmin Sagoo and David Griffiths, Chatham House
  • 16:30-16:45: Comments by Charlotte Flindt-Pedersen, Director, The Danish Foreign Policy Society and Steven L. B. Jensen, Senior Researcher, The Danish Institute for Human Rights
  • 16:45-17:30: Q&A and debate – moderated by Mette Thygesen, The Danish Institute for Human Rights

Please note the event will be held in English.


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