Liv Navntoft Henningsen

Post.doc., Research
+45 91 32 56 93



Miriam Bak-McKenna and Liv Henningsen, 'Cojoining the Witch and the Cyborg in Feminist Theory: Revisiting Gender Related Violence through Old and New Materialism', feminists@law, , 2024 (Peer-reviewed) (forthcoming).
Liv Henningsen, 'Prefiguring the Legal Subject of European Human Rights Law: From Universal Autonomy to Situated Affectivity', Nordic Journal on Law and Society, , 2024 (Peer-reviewed) (forthcoming).
Liv Henningsen, 'The Becoming of the Legal Phenomenon of Rape in Times of Transition: An Analysis of Danish Rape Cases as Affective Assemblages', EUROCRIM2024, , 2024 (Peer-reviewed).


Henningsen, L. N., 'Truth Hurts: Stereotyping as a Human Rights Issue', PhD dissertation, , 2023 (Peer-reviewed).


Henningsen, L. N., 'The Emerging Anti-Stereotyping Principle Under Article 14 ECHR: Towards a Multidimensional and Intersectional Approach to Equality', European Convention on Human Rights Law Review, 3, 2022, 185-209 (Peer-reviewed).


Henningsen, L. N., 'An ‘Other’ Perspective on Law: Deconstructive Jurisprudence with a Feminist Twist', Retfærd, 44, 2021, 11-38 (Peer-reviewed).
Henningsen, L. N., 'Anti-stereotyping and Transformative Equality in European Human Rights Law: Judicialisation, Subsidiarity and the Margin of Appreciation in Stereotyping Cases', NOPSA conference, , 2021 (Peer-reviewed).
Henningsen, L. N., 'Vulnerability and Situated Disadvantage in Times of Crisis', Approaches to Vulnerability in Times of Crises Conference, , 2021 (Peer-reviewed).

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