Gabrielle Holly

Chief Adviser, Human Rights, Tech and Business
+45 91 32 57 33



Bueno, N., Bernaz, N., Holly, G., Martin-Ortega, O., 'The EU Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence (CSDDD): The Final Political Compromise', Business and Human Rights Journal, , 2024, 1-7 (Peer-reviewed).


Holly, G., Tansey, S., Nagaoka, J., 'Due Diligence in the Downstream Value Chain: Case Studies of Current Company Practice ', Danish Institute for Human Rights, 20 February 2023.
Holly, G., Feld, L., 'Setting the scene for an effective forced labour ban in the EU', Danish Institute for Human Rights, 2 November 2023.
Holly, G., Feld, L. , 'State of play on the EU’s Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive: five key takeaways', Danish Institute for Human Rights , 14 July 2023.


Holly, G., Lysgaard, S. , 'How do the pieces fit in the puzzle? Making sense of EU regulatory initiatives linked to business and human rights', Danish Institute for Human Rights, January 2022.
Holly, G., Lysgaard, S., 'Legislating for impact: analysis of the proposed EU corporate sustainability due diligence directive ', Danish institute for Human Rights, 23 March 2022.
Holly, G., Kajander Holmer, S., 'Sustainability Reporting and Human Rights: What can big data analysis tell us about business respect for human rights?', Danish Institute for Human Rights, 23 August 2022.
Holly, G., 'Will the EU turn a blind eye to human rights impacts of business beyond the supply chain?', Business and Human Rights Resource Centre Blog Series, 23 November 2022.


Smit, L., Holly, G., McCorquodale, R., Neely, S., 'Human Rights Due Diligence in Global Supply Chains: Evidence of Corporate Practices to Inform a Legal Standard', International Journal of Human Rights, 25(6), 2021, 945-973 (Peer-reviewed).
Holly, G. & O'Brien, C.M., 'Briefing on Civil Liability for Due Diligence Failures', Danish Institute for Human Rights, 2021.
Holly, G., Lysgaard, S., 'Smart Mix in the Nordics: A stocktake on measures to foster business respect for human rights', Danish Institute for Human Rights, 17 March 2021.


Holly, G, 'Challenges to Australia’s Offshore Detention Regime and the Limits of Strategic Tort Litigation', German Law Journal, 21(3), 2020, 549-570 (Peer-reviewed).
Holly, G., Wrzoncki, E., 'Integrating business and human rights into state responses to COVID 19', Business and Human Rights Resource Centre Blog Series, 6 April 2020.


Holly, G., 'Australia as a jurisdiction for transnational human rights litigation: Kamasaee v Commonwealth', Business and Human Rights Journal Blog, 30 April 2019.
Holly, G., 'Zambian Farmers can take Vedanta to court over water pollution. What are the legal implications?', Business and Human Rights Resource Centre Blog Series, 10 April 2019.


Holly, G, 'Transnational Tort and access to remedy under the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights: Kamasaee v Commonwealth', Melbourne Journal of International Law, 19(1), 2018, 52-83 (Peer-reviewed).
Smit, L., Holly, G., 'When national laws or local practices conflict with human rights: Recommendations for global operations and supply chains', Business and Human Rights Resource Centre Blog Series, 11 June 2018.
Holly, G., Smit, L., Mc Corquodale, R., Making Sense of Managing Human Rights in Supply Chains: 2018 Report and Analysis, British Institute of International and Comparative Law and Norton Rose Fulbright, 2018 (Non-peer-reviewed).


Holly, G., Smit, L., 'Vedanta court ruling a ‘major victory’ for corporate human rights campaigners', Ethical Corp, 22 November 2017.

Key competencies

Human rights and business; access to remedy; transnational litigation; human rights due diligence; corporate engagement

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Gabrielle Holly - portrait in colour
Gabrielle Holly - black/white portrait

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