
Pilot study on migration and respect for human rights - focus on responses provided by Niger

A study on the human rights situation of migrants, to inform stakeholders and identify areas for reflection and recommendations to be considered.

The study is published by the African Commision on Human and Peoples' Rights (ACHPR), with technical support from th Danish Institute for Human Rights (DIHR).

The overall objective of the study is to collect information on human rights violations suffered by migrants during their journey to North Africa, to join the Mediterranean (for some).

Such information will serve as a basis for the ACHPR and relevant actors to undertake informed actions. To this end, the Study pursues the following specific objectives:

  • Identify the different forms of human rights violations suffered by migrants during their journey (in Niger and in countries of temporary residence) as well as the alleged perpetrators of the violations;
  • Use the example of Niger to analyze the regulatory, institutional and strategic responses of transit countries, highlighting positive factors, limiting factors and related areas of concern;
  • Identify avenues for reflection and make recommendations to stakeholders for the promotion and integration of a human rights-based approach to the management of migration flows

The itinerary in the study includes the transit period in Niger (or departure period for migrants from Niger), the stay in the country of temporary residence (Libya and Algeria) and the period of voluntary or involuntary return to Niger.

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