This picture shows a zoom of a policemans pepper spray in his belt

The use of pepper spray in Danish police departments

The Danish Institute for Human Rights has carried out a comprehensive study on the use of pepper spray by the police.

Since 2008, the Danish police have been able to use pepper spray as a means of force. However, since the introduction of pepper spray, no comprehensive study and evaluation of police use of pepper spray has been conducted. On the basis of this, the Danish Institute for Human Rights has carried out a comprehensive study on the use of pepper spray by the police in order to assess how pepper spray is used in practice, and to assess if it is used in accordance with the human rights obligations held by Denmark.
Our study shows that the total use of force has increased since the introduction of pepper spray and that pepper spray is the means of force most frequently used by the police.

This publication is in Danish, but contains an English summary on page 9.

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