Children’s Rights in National Action Plans on Business and Human Rights

Children’s rights in National Action Plans

This report provides guidance on how children’s rights can be addressed in NAPs on business and human rights and other similar policies.

The report is a thematic supplement to the existing report, ‘National Action Plans on Business and Human Rights: A Toolkit for the Development, Implementation, and Review of State Commitments to Business and Human Rights Frameworks ’ by the International Corporate Accountability Roundtable (ICAR) and the Danish Institute for Human Rights (DIHR).

Both ICAR and DIHR have partnered with UNICEF to develop this guidance, which outlines how children’s rights should be considered in the process of developing NAPs and what the content of focus should be when setting priorities for action on children’s rights.

The report contains two application tools: The Children’s Rights NAP Checklist and Children’s Rights NBA Template. They are to be used in conjunction with the ICAR-DIHR NAPs Toolkit to develop, evaluate, and revise NAPs. By following this guidance, greater and more effective implementation of the UNGPs with respect to children can be ensured.

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