Review report
Capacity assessment 2014: Danish Institute for Human Rights

Capacity assessment 2014: Danish Institute for Human Rights

Has DIHR the capacity and systems in place to receive funding as a “framework organisation” under the multi-annual framework agreement modality?

The Danish Insitute for Human Rights (DIHR) was subject for a thematic review in 2009, including a capacity assessment, which focused on the use of funds under the CA with MFA. A similar review was undertaken from August to October 2013. The 2013 review recommended that the prospects for multi-year funding should be explored as part of the continued dialogue between DIHR and MFA.

In line with the desk reviews carried out of other Danish organisations, the purpose of this capacity assessment is to provide MFA with an informed basis for deciding on whether DIHR has the capacity and systems in place to receive funding as a “framework organisation” under the multi-annual framework agreement modality.

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