Review report
Project Review: Protection of Environmental Rights in China 2009-2011

Project Review: Protection of Environmental Rights in China 2009-2011

Review of the Danish Institute of Human Rights’ first environment related project in China, “Protection of Environmental Rights in China”.

This document is to review the Danish Institute of Human Rights’ (DIHR) first environment related project in China, “Protection of Environmental Rights in China”, implemented from July 2009 to September 2011 (hereinafter “the Project”).

It is to review the Project’s specific outputs and activities set down in the Project Document (DIHR file no. 621304) and its overall accomplishments. The original design of the Project is appropriate in that it is built upon the strength of the DIHR in the field of human rights protection and intends reaching out to a vibrant civil society sector in China - the environmental sector - beyond the legal circles.

The idea to promote ”advocacy“ and to develop a generic model that improves the environment and at the same time enhances rights protection is highly relevant to the current development of civil society in China.

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