Seminar Series under the Research Partnership Programme 2013

New seminar series under the Research Partnership Programme. From September 27, 2013 to Tuesday November 26, 2013

All seminars will be held at the Nordskov meeting room at the Danish Institute for Human Rights, Wilders Plads 8K, 1401 Copenhagen K.


Aid to legal systems in Southern and Eastern Africa will often focus on the formal, state-run courts. But most cases are resolved by village councils, religious councils, village elders, or by other bodies outside the formal courts.

The formal and informal justice systemsinteract with each other in numerous different ways. This coexistence causes many dilemmas, but also many unused opportunities.

Seminar series 1
Friday September 27, 2013
Public Seminar: Hours 13:00-15:30
Informal Justice and Human Rights
Aberra Degefa Nagawo, Assistant Professor of Law, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia
Fergus Kerrigan, Justice Advisor, Southern Africa Programme. LLM. The Danish Institute for Human Rights

Seminar series 2
Tuesday October 1, 2013
Public Seminar: Hours 10:00-12:30
Informal Justice and Human Rights in a Child Perspective
Mercy Deche, Law Lecturer, University of Nairobi, School of Law, Mombasa Campus
Angela Ifunya, Project Manager & Researcher, Protect Children’s Rights Trust (PCRT), Tanzania
Dr. Anette Faye Jacobsen, Senior Research Fellow. The Danish Institute for Human Rights
Discussant: Dr. Eva Ersbøll, Senior Research Fellow. The Danish Institute for Human Rights

Seminar series 3
Friday October 25, 2013
Public Seminar: Hours 10:00-15:00
The Political Economy of Informal Justice
Dr. Tanja Chopra. 'Adviser - Justice, Gender and Monitoring & Evaluation. The World Bank. Nairobi. Kenya
Fergus Kerrigan, Justice Advisor, Southern Africa Programme. LLM. The Danish Institute for Human Rights

Gender, Informal Justice and Access to Justice
Professor Anne Griffiths. Edinburgh School of Law, UK.
Dr. Tanja Chopra. 'Adviser - Justice, Gender and Monitoring & Evaluation. The World Bank. Nairobi. Kenya
Discussant: Fergus Kerrigan, Justice Advisor, Southern Africa Programme. LLM. The Danish Institute for Human Rights

Seminar series 4
Thursday October 31, 2013
Public Seminar: Hours 10:00-12:30
Constitutionalism, Human Rights and Informal Justice
LLM. Eva A. Maina Ayiera, Centre for Human Rights and Policy Studies. Kenya
Professor Siri Gloppen, Christian Mikkelsens Instituttet. Norway
Discussant: Fergus Kerrigan, Justice Advisor, Southern Africa Programme. LLM. The Danish Institute for Human Rights

Seminar series 5
Tuesday November 26, 2013
Public Seminar: Hours 09:00-13:00
Final Research presentations by Research Partners
LLM. Eva A. Maina Ayiera, Centre for Human Rights and Policy Studies. Kenya
Mercy Deche, Law Lecturer, University of Nairobi, School of Law, Mombasa Campus
Angela Ifunya, Project Manager & Researcher, Protect Children’s Rights Trust (PCRT), Tanzania
Aberra Degefa Nagawo, Assistant Professor of Law, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia
LLM Fergus Kerrigan, Justice Advisor, Southern Africa Programme. LL.M. The Danish Institute for Human Rights
Dr. Stephanie Lagoutte. LL.M. Senior Research Fellow, The Danish Institute for Human Rights