Recovering from the COVID-19 crisis: “Human rights and the SDGs can guide us through”

Graphic showing the SDG wheel and a logo stating: COVID-19 and sustainable recovery
The Danish Institute for Human Rights launches a new online resource, that shows how COVID-19 recovery can be guided by the Sustainable Development Goals and human rights. 

A new online resource developed by the Danish Institute for Human Rights connects COVID-19 response and recovery with relevant aspects of the Sustainable Development Goals and human rights.

"COVID-19 has exposed massive inequalities, injustices and divisions in societies around the globe. Poverty has increased for the first time in 30 years, and the pandemic has in some places been used as an excuse to disproportionately restrict fundamental freedoms and human rights,” says Eva Grambye, deputy executive director at the Danish Institute for Human Rights.

The Human Rights Guide to Sustainable Recovery gives concrete guidance on how to not only recover but transform our societies in a more sustainable direction.
Eva Grambye, deputy executive director at the Danish Institute for Human Rights

“But the COVID-19 crisis can also serve as an opportunity to build back better. Our new contribution to addressing the injustices and building back better is a guide, that points to key sustainable development goals and human rights commitments. The Human Rights Guide to Sustainable Recovery gives concrete guidance on how to not only recover but transform our societies in a more sustainable direction,” says Eva Grambye.

The Human Rights Guide to Sustainable Recovery provides information about how the Sustainable Development Goals have been impacted by the pandemic and sums up actions that need to be taken by states.

Start planning and monitoring

The Human Rights Guide to Sustainable Recovery provides guidance for sustainable recovery from COVID-19 using the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and human rights as a blueprint.
Get started now.

The links to human rights guidance for each Sustainable Development Goal can be a useful resource for states, national human rights institutions, businesses, civil society and researchers to develop and influence sustainable recovery planning and monitoring.

The Sustainable Recovery Lab in January brought together an impressive number of participants from across the globe, who highlighted important key messages on what sustainable recovery requires. The messages of the lab are reflected in The Human Rights Guide to Sustainable Recovery developed by the Danish Institute for Human Rights.

About the Human Rights Guide to Sustainable Recovery

The Human Rights Guide to Sustainable Recovery:

  • Highlights key aspects of the 17 SDGs and related targets that have proven to be of utmost importance for COVID-19 response and recovery.
  • Explains how the achievement of each of the SDGs is impacted by the pandemic.
  • Summarizes critical response and recovery actions to be taken by states.
  • Provides examples of how international human rights and labour standards underpin the SDG targets, thereby demonstrating the complementarity of human rights obligations and SDG commitments.
  • Links to key human rights guidance relevant for each SDG which can be used by states and other actors in planning the recovery.

The Human Rights Guide to Sustainable Recovery is available in English and in Spanish.

Source: Human Rights Guide to Sustainable Recovery developed by the Danish Institute for Human Rights



Senior Adviser, Human Rights and Sustainable Development, Americas
Senior Adviser, Human Rights and Sustainable Development, Americas