New Director of Myanmar Centre for Responsible Business

Vicky Bowman has been appointed director of the newly created Myanmar Centre for Responsible Business in Yangon.

The Institute for Human Rights and Business (IHRB) and the Danish Institute for Human Rights (DIHR) are delighted to announce the appointment of Vicky Bowman as director of the Myanmar Centre for Responsible Business.
The new centre, a joint initiative of IHRB and DIHR, is currently being established in Yangon with support from a range of stakeholders to promote responsible business conduct in Myanmar.

The long-term goal for the new centre is to become an independent and self-sustaining entity that provides a platform for businesses, civil society and governmentsforcapacity buildingregarding responsible investment and business practices in Myanmar consistent with international standards.

Vicky Bowman brings a vast experience of Myanmar, international relations, and business to this new role. She has served as UK ambassador to Myanmar (2002-2006) and most recently worked at Rio Tinto where amongst other responsibilities, she led the implementation of the company’s commitment to the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. Vicky will begin her work as director of the Myanmar Centre for Responsible Business in July 2013.

For more information, visit the Centre’s website at: