Institute researcher receives national grant

Senior Researcher Rikke Frank Jørgensen is among the recipients of The Danish Council for Independent Research grant, Sapere Aude.

Senior Researcher Rikke Frank Jørgensen is among the recipients of The Danish Council for Independent Research grant, Sapere Aude, which aims to give the most talented researchers the best career conditions for providing striking research at a high international level.

How do Google and Facebook define privacy online, and how does it affect our right to speech and our privacy? This question will be examined by Senior Researcher Rikke Frank Jørgensen in her new research project. To support the project she now has the funds from Sapere Aude:

“The goal of my research is to present new knowledge in an area that is increasingly controversial. Given that large parts of the infrastructure of the Internet and public spaces are controlled by commercial players, it is crucial to examine how these players perceive and “translate” human rights standards to technical architecture, rules and sanctions.”

The grant provides Rikke Frank Jørgensen the opportunity to go in depth with the project and move her research beyond the national borders:

“The program is a unique opportunity to immerse myself in a project in collaboration with leading international research communities. In addition, the program gives me the opportunity to communicate my research both nationally and internationally, and bring international experts in the research field to Denmark.”

The Danish Council for Independent Research awards grants for approximately 19 million DKK every year.