This autumn the Danish Institute for Human Rights hosts a seminar series on human rights and informal justice in East Africa. International scholars and experts from DIHR will present developments and challenges at five seminars. (the seminars are in English)

Wednesday September 19, 2012
Public seminar: Hours 10:00 – 12:00
“Legal Pluralism & Constitutionalism”
Dr. Lungowe Matakala, (RPP) University of Zambia, School of Law, Zambia
LLM Ayalew Getachew (RPP) Mekelle University, Faculty of Law, Ethiopia
Senior Consultant LL.M. Fergus Kerrigan, The Danish Institute for Human Rights
Discussant: Professor Steen Schaumburg Müller, Faculty of Law, University of Aarhus
Place: Strandgade 71, Ground Floor (The Auditorium), 1401 Copenhagen K

Tuesday October 9, 2012
Public seminar: Hours 10:00 – 12:00
“Informal Justice in a gender perspective”
Associate Professor Signe Arnfred, The Department of Society and Globalization, Roskilde University
Professor Hanne Pedersen, Faculty of Law, Copenhagen University
Discussant: Senior Research Fellow Dr. Stephanie Lagoutte, The Danish Institute for Human Rights
Place: DIHR. Strandgade 56, Buildning 8H, Foighel room, 1401 Copenhagen K

Tuesday October 23, 2012
Public seminar: Hours 10:00 – 12:00
“How can Criminal Law work constructively with Informal Justice, and what are the strengths and weaknesses of such application”
Dr. Steffen Jensen, The Department of Society and Globalization, University of Roskilde
LLM Ayalew Getachew (RPP) Mekelle University, Faculty of Law, Ethiopia
Professor Yubaraj Sangroula, Kathmandu School of Law, Nepal
Discussant: Mr. Caleb Mutandwa, (RPP) Justice for Children Trust, Zimbabwe
Place: DIHR. Strandgade 56, Buildning 8H, Foighel room, 1401 Copenhagen K

Tuesday November 13, 2012
Public seminar: Hours 10:00 – 12:00
“Informal Justice, Human Rights and Urbanization”
Dr. Diana Cammack. Overseas Development Institute (ODI) UK
Dr. Claire O’Brien. Special Advisor, The Danish Institute for Human Rights
Discussant: Irene Anying, Human Rights Focus, HURIFO, Uganda
Place: DIHR. Strandgade 56, Buildning 8H, Foighel room, 1401 Copenhagen K

Thursday November 22, 2012.
Public seminar: Hours 10:00 – 12:00
“Access to Justice, Informal Justice, Land and Gender”
Professor Anne Griffits, Edinghburg School of Law, UK
Professor Siri Gloppen. Christian Mikkelsens Institute, Norway
Discussant: LLM, Senior Consultant Fergus Kerrigan, The Danish Institute for Human Rights
Place: DIHR. Strandgade 56, Buildning 8H, Foighel room, 1401 Copenhagen K