The Gold Indicators are here

The institute introduces a set of 10 statistical Gold Indicators which compare the situation of persons with and without disabilities in relation to 10 key rights of the CRPD in Denmark.

The carefully selected Gold Indicators provides an overview of the overall level of enjoyment of human rights by persons with disabilities.

The main purpose of the Gold Indicators is to generate change and stimulate action with regards to the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) in Denmark. It is the institute’s hope that the Gold Indicators will inspire to political action.

We are extremely pleased that we now have a clear set of indicators. The Gold Indicators are a unique and powerful tool for monitoring and promoting the implementation of the CRPD in Denmark
Department Director in Equal Treatment, Maria Ventegodt Liisberg

An inclusive process

A central priority for the institute has been to ensure an elaborate and inclusive selection process. Therefore, a broad range of national stakeholders including Danish ministries and government authorities, multiple national disability organisations and academics have been part of the selection-process. This process has qualified the discussions and the selection of the Gold Indicators. Moreover, the broadinclusion has ensured support from the participating stakeholders making the implementation of the Gold Indicators more likely.

The Gold indicators correspond with the Sustainable Development Goals

The institute has identified the eight Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) priority Indicators that correspond best with the Gold Indicators. The comparison shows that eight of the SDG priority Indicators could be adapted relatively easily to incorporate the Gold Indicators. The comparison also premieres a national tailoring by the institute of the SDGs.

According to Maria Ventegodt Liisberg, it is no coincidence that the Gold Indicators corresponds so well with eight of the SDG priority indicators. It simply illustrates that the indicators represent the most important areas for people with disabilities both at national and international level.

It is the institute's hope, thatthe Gold Indicators will inspire other national human rights institutions, disability organisations, governments andinternational organisations alike in their work with the CRPD.

Read the report on the Gold Indicators here.