Business respect for human rights is key to achieving the SDGs

The United Nation’s Private Sector Forum 2017 takes place in New York
The Danish Institute for Human Rights and other organisations urge businesses to ensure that respect for human rights permeate their actions towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

Next week global business, government and civil society leaders convene for the United Nation’s Private Sector Forum to discuss financing the 2030 Agenda.

The Danish Institute for Human Rights (DIHR) joins other organisations working to promote business respect for human rights in a letter urging businesses to put respect for human rights at the core of their work with the Sustainable Development Goals.

“The SDGs seek to realize the human rights of all, and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development emphasizes the critical role that respect for human rights plays in the achievement of sustainable development in all its 3 dimensions – economic, social and environmental. With this statement we want to highlight that, without a significant change in the way that businesses view their contribution to the 2030Agenda, the private sector will miss its single biggest opportunity to advance human development today,“ says Eva Grambye, International Director at the Danish Institute for Human Rights.

Read the full letter in English and Spanish on the Human Rights and Business Resource Centre here.

DIHR, the Sustainable Development Goals and the role of business

The Danish Institute for Human Rights has developed a Human Rights Guide to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It uncovers the human rights anchorage of all 17 goals and 169 targets, as well as the adequacy of the global indicators. The Guide enables actors to use human rights as a driver for realising the SDGs – and to use the SDGs to realise human rights. DIHR works at the national, regional and international level to promote and support reporting-, monitoring and evaluation-, as well as means of implementation- of the SDGs.

DIHR also works directly with private sector actors on how they should engage in the sustainable development agenda to promote human rights enjoyment of rights-holders impacted by their operations.

Read more about our work on human rights and business here